At Johm, we believe in sharing our knowledge and ideas. The objective, to spur development of the market to become sophisticated energy users who care for the environment and are able to drive operational and energy efficiency. The end result – better reliability of services, more affordable prices and a cleaner environment for all to enjoy.

We publish white papers on our website covering topics such as clean distributed energy generation solutions and energy efficiency strategies. In addition, we offer benchmarking reports so you can compare your current energy operations against your industry peers.

Energy Services - TowerCo shield against pressure on revenue

TowerCos are expected to face downward pressures on tower leasing rates. Energy services can be an avenue to defend against these pressures by adding value added services. Done right, this can be done with minimal effort. At the same time, MNOs stand to benefit from reallocation of CAPEX budgets & redirection of operational effort to the core network while sharing in the cost savings from ‘multi-tenanted’ energy equipment.

We cover why and how TowerCos should approach Energy Services, and discuss potential revenue models for these services.