Fuel cells convert hydrogen or hydrogen-based fuels to produce electrical power and water as a by-product. It is a clean and more efficient alternative to diesel generators. Fuel cells are more resilient and require minimal maintenance, while being significantly more environmentally friendly. They produce only the exact amount of energy required, ensuring no wastage and eliminating the need for excess capacity.

Johm’s fuel cell solutions provides efficient and resilient backup power to ensure your business runs smoothly regardless of any power disruptions. We have a range of Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Methanol Reformer Fuel Cells that can deliver in excess of 35kW to support a variety of uses, both indoor and outdoor.

Fuel cells are suitable for rural back-up and off-grid power generation applications, but can also be used in urban settings to drive environmental sustainability. Applications for fuel cells include backup power for telecommunications base stations, backup of critical equipment in hospitals, clean power for rural communities, and others.