Improving energy efficiency within your operations can potentially bring significant business benefits. An energy efficient building can result in annual cost savings of 30-50% compared to conventional buildings. Energy audits allow you to identify the best opportunities for improvements to drive energy efficiency, and are the first step towards a comprehensive energy management strategy.

We provide Energy audit services at Levels 1, 2 and 3. Our reports strive to provide you with a clear understanding of energy consumption and patterns in your buildings and facilities. Quantitative and qualitative findings can provide substantial practical guidelines for:

  • Continuous improvement in operational and production efficiency

  • Identifying cost saving opportunities and sources of energy loss

  • Improving lifetime of equipment

  • Informing commercial decisions by management

  • Positive reinforcement of reputation

  • Enhancing competitiveness

Companies across a wide range of industries have already experienced improved energy and production efficiency through conducting energy audits.

We also provide guidance to help our clients achieve green label certification of various standards such as LEED (US), Greenship (Indonesia), Green Star (Australia), GBI (Malaysia), Green Mark (Singapore), and ISO 50001.